So here's a condensed/updated version
Level 66 now, getting on for 67. I mainly spend my days racing on the Professional Questing Circuit:
1. Hit a town/village/encampment/NPC's standing under a drape
2. Grab all the yellow exclamation points I can
3. Check map and plot a linear course that will take me to all quest locations and back,
4. Leave said town/village/encampment/ NPC's standing under a drape
5. Complete quest
6. Return, repeat.
Sometimes this happens for hours and hours straight. I wont just go for a quest run without taking a break, I might finish off an entire province or territory (or whatever you want to refer to it as) without getting up. I often just black out during these outings. Ive awoken numerous times to find myself lying naked on my balcony, my hands soaked in blood and a dead hooker lying in my kitchen. Cant remember whats happened but it must not have been pretty.
Every now and then my friend Andy will run me through an instance but most of the time, I roam by myself. Only question left... how man ladies of the evening will die before I reach 85?
I appear to be a disgruntled Rugby player at this point in my leveling |
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